Landscape From a Train

1983 — by © Stef Viaene

At that time my Bolex paillard 16 mm camera was my companion. I filmed everything I encountered, in stop motion. I felt the need to create movement through film to reinvent the movement itself, as it were. One day I took my camera on the train and filmed the landscape passing by, frame by frame. Then I transformed the images to black and white, with the intention of abstracting them. Later, I printed the images on slides and projected them, frame by frame, adding a new dimension. This whole process of transformation of the reality united the essence of movement and abstraction and brought me closer to painting. In 2019 I rediscovered the footage and made a new edit on the music of Guy Van Nueten, titled “The night, weeping song”. The music of Guy Van Nueten brought extra poetry and enhanced the emotion.